Monday, December 30, 2013

Poolside wear

How many of you ladies are guilty of going swimming yet not wetting your hair? I raise my hand because I do this all the time. I tend to go towards the deeper end of the pool to avoid all splashing children. Yes! wetting my hair is that serious, I guess that can be catagorized as ''curly haired girl problems''. So since it's summer and for the next few weeks most post will be about summer wear, we are honoring summer looks with this OOTD from last summer. A simple and economical look for a day at the pool. 

Swim suit: Sunglasses: 
Headband: Dress:
Saturday, January 5, 2013


Welcome to Hai Heart Leanne I started blogging when my second child was born. I wanted to document my children's experiences growing up. I posted my favorite baby items as well as play dates and outings.

My goal is to eventually print it out in a book format for my daughters to keep. Unfortunately at a certain point I became a sometimes blogger and eventually I went from being a stay at home mom to a working mom. Years later here I am back at it again. 
I am so excited to be back with a whole new platform.

 I am constantly loving the fabulous outfits of the day that are being posted however sometimes one just cant afford those styling $800.00 Louboutins or that amazing $400.00 dress.

Lets be sincere I am all for splurging and if my obligations as an adult are taken care of I will definitely go and buy that Pricey bag or pair of shoes, however if at the present moment it's not possible then don't! We women can look fabulous on a budget. And that is what this blog is about amazing outfits of the day without breaking the bank on most occasions.